Aluminum Canned Water > Plastic Bottled Water
Greenvine Sustainable Greenvine Sustainable

Aluminum Canned Water > Plastic Bottled Water

The hunt for plastic-free alternatives is on. Bottle water has met its match with aluminum canned water. Cycle Water is a Canadian brand taking this trend to the mainstream

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Carbon Footprint 101
Greenvine Sustainable Greenvine Sustainable

Carbon Footprint 101

We hear a lot about our carbon footprints and how we need to reduce them. Not sure what is involved in that process? No matter if you're a consumer or a business - you're not alone. Knowledge is Power.

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Down to DIY
Andrea Teslia Andrea Teslia

Down to DIY

DIY bath salts & yoga mat cleaner - two of the products which are made from very basic ingredients. Save some money, save some plastic, and support some sustainable businesses which already help us to live a little bit more eco-friendly every day.

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People, Plants, Perks & Spending Power
Karissa Courtney Karissa Courtney

People, Plants, Perks & Spending Power

You don't have to be a renewable energy company to be considered sustainable. Small initiatives go a long way when trying to attract & retain both employees and consumers.

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It is simple Environmental Economics - why bulk is better.
Andrea Teslia Andrea Teslia

It is simple Environmental Economics - why bulk is better.

Imagine a store you could walk into that has several large, but aesthetically pleasing units in it that you can place your standardized bulk receptacle, push a button, tap your card for payment & then walk out. This is the idea behind BUDS. Think bulk vending machines.

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22 Days in April
Andrea Teslia Andrea Teslia

22 Days in April

How to invite green habits into your daily routine, Earth Month edition.

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